it was a shakey, quiet start till the lime plot happened fixing their fruit drinkers go ahead the usual fiddle i our way dreary. id dranjk tem all out, they were going ahead stiil n crushes mix. this is the idea that gakeis now boss. Rull ruford found a Wino Paper journal feeding in the pplz kitchen.. her little Hen, Rull Scarpered and left the Wino paper collumn for next
Nothing unusual in ChuhDually City id caught a Taxi under studio and raced it round the Clock, being first in inn, joe smiles with eez lime I stick it in thinking its cool 4 tome fool.
Slow starts happen, id been drinking here for years and forced the big show offs onto crushes to be embarrased by continueing claim juice hour. Other guys worn't happy but had to play since they chose their biggest crush expecting to win lost the nesaccery smileing logo of oldie. Leaveing the chill of barkoff lounge to old merry go, i shot t'bottle for me journey's on the way ah sees Gawds new premises rise RWorldOfficeVENTURES new the bigger side of the show up for swindle while he's alive my idea rests over title... SCRAPTON FC. Next beak
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